Seth Minton – Europe’s Youngest Salesforce Certified Administrator

Seth Minton: The Trailblazing Teen of Salesforce

Seth Minton - Europe's Youngest Certified Salesforce Administrator

Could you pass your Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam at the age of 16 alongside taking your GCSE's?

Meet Seth Minton, the 17-year-old Salesforce prodigy from the UK who recently made waves by becoming the youngest person in Europe to pass the Salesforce Admin Certification at only 16 years old.

His journey through the Salesforce ecosystem is a testament to dedication and early talent recognition in the tech world.

In this interview, Seth shares insights into his experience with Get Force Certified, the platform that supported his remarkable certification achievement.

Hi Seth, It is great to be chatting with you today. Can you tell us a little about yourself and what you do?

Hi, I’m Seth Minton. I’m currently a Salesforce Admin for Resource on Demand, a Salesforce specialist recruitment company in the UK. I passed my Salesforce Admin Cert when I was sitting my GCSEs and became the youngest person in Europe to pass this exam.

I then went on to co-found Trailblazing Teens, a charitable organisation that helps other young people who are curious about Salesforce and what it can do for them.

It’s rare to see a 17-year-old in the Salesforce ecosystem. How did you first hear about Salesforce and Get Force Certified?

My journey into Salesforce began through my mother, Laura Croudace, who works within the Salesforce ecosystem. She introduced me to the potential of Salesforce technologies. Through these connections, I discovered Get Force Certified, which opened the door to formal training and certification. I’ve met some fantastic people along the way from Salesforce like Ivar Jansen and Mike Wolffe who inspired me, and some young people doing cool things with technology.

Why did you decide to take the route to become a Certified Salesforce Admin with Get Force Certified?

I chose Get Force Certified because it stood out for its focused approach to preparing students for the Salesforce Admin certification. Their courses are tailored to ensure that participants not only learn the material but are also well-prepared for the exam. What I love about the GFC method is that it has so many different facets to learning. It’s not just one approach, like reading online PDFs or trying to learn it from a manual. It’s a real mix of lessons, videos, and proven teaching techniques.

What would you say if you had to sum up your experience in three words?

“Clear, Concise, and Straightforward”

It’s great to hear that you enjoyed the different aspects of learning. How would you describe the learning on the Get Force Certified platform? What did you like most about it?

The learning experience on Get Force Certified has been incredibly impactful. The platform emphasises clear, concise, and practical teaching methods. What I appreciate the most is how the courses are designed to be engaging, making complex subjects more approachable and understandable. This approach significantly enhanced my learning experience, making it educational and enjoyable.

The course helps to cover all learning styles. It is a mix of videos, tutorials, cheat sheets, and mock exams. It’s a really great way to learn, and I’ve since heard about the Admin Academy with live teaching from Dave, which sounds amazing.

​​The other aspect I would mention is that it’s so cost-effective, you get a lot for your money, and you can pace your own learning. As a student I didn’t want to invest £5,000+ in a course I wasn’t sure was for me, so doing the Associate Exam, and getting a flavour for the course being 16, has enabled me to understand the value of the ecosystem.

It sounds like you’ve had a fantastic couple of years, how long did it take you to pass your Salesforce Admin exam?

It took me about six weeks to two months of dedicated study to pass the Admin exam. This period involved balancing my GCSE exams, schoolwork and intensive study sessions, which Get Force Certified made more manageable through their structured course design and comprehensive resources. Before I started with Get Force Certified I was also doing a lot of Trailhead which is Salesforce’s free online learning tool. This gave me a perfect understanding of the platform.

What advice would you give to someone who does not know anything about Salesforce Seth, you said that doing Trailhead helped, but what else would you suggest?

Starting off with the Get Force Certified Associate Exam would be a great way to grow your knowledge of Salesforce. I did this course on the platform and thought it was great. The platform is built to be easy to use, and Dave has created something that meets you at your level. You can then do the Admin Certification training straight after which makes passing easier, as your confidence is high, and you can use the knowledge gained from the Associate Exam.

What advice would you give someone looking to pass their Salesforce admin exam?

Start with a clear study plan and take full advantage of resources like Trailhead and the learning materials provided by Get Force Certified. Engage actively with the Salesforce community; it’s incredibly supportive and can provide additional insights and motivation. Lastly, don’t rush the learning process—understanding the fundamentals thoroughly will make the more advanced topics easier to tackle. Prepare a rigorous learning schedule for yourself so you learn many different areas of Salesforce as you move through the courses.

Seth Minton’s journey inspires aspiring tech professionals and highlights the value of targeted educational programs like Get Force Certified. His achievements underscore the possibilities within reach when young talent meets the right guidance and opportunities. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Seth. We wish you all the best for your future in the Salesforce ecosystem!

If you’d like to blaze your own trail like Seth and train as a Salesforce Admin, you can find out more about the course here.